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Downhill Simplex Optimizer


The downhill simplex optimizer works by grouping number of dimensions + 1-positions into a simplex, which can explore the search-space by changing shape. The simplex changes shape by reflecting, expanding, contracting or shrinking via the alpha, gamma, beta or sigma parameters.


from gradient_free_optimizers import DownhillSimplexOptimizer


opt = DownhillSimplexOptimizer(search_space, alpha=0.5), n_iter=100)

About the implementation

The downhill simplex algorithm works in a completly different way from the other local hill climbing based optimizers. It is much more complex, because there are reflecting-, expanding-, contracting- and shrinking-steps for each the iteration and the evaluation. This leads to a bigger and more complex source code than the hill climbing based algorithms.

In this implementation the downhill simplex algorithm has some similarities to population-based algorithms. It needs at least number of dimensions + 1 initial positions to form a simplex in the search-space and the movement of the positions in the simplex are affected by each other.

  1. Choose number of dimensions + 1 positions to build a simplex
  2. Sort simplex positions by their score:
    • \(x_0\) is the best position
    • \(x_{N-1}\) is the second worst
    • \(x_N\) is the worst
    • ...
  3. Calculate the center position \(m\) of all but the worst position
    • \(m = \frac{1}{N}\sum^{N-1}_{i=0}x_i\)
  4. Reflect (\(\alpha\)) the worst position at the center position
    • \(r = m + \alpha (m - x_N)\)
  5. If the reflected position is better than \(x_0\):
    • \(e=m+\gamma(m-x_N)\)
    • \(p\) is the better position of \(e\) and \(r\)
    • \(x_N \leftarrow p\)
  6. If the reflected position is better than \(x_{N-1}\):
    • \(x_N \leftarrow r\)
    • Go to step 2
  7. If \(h\) is the better position of \(x_N\) and \(r\):
    • \(c=h+\beta(m-h)\)
  8. If c is better than \(x_N\):
    • \(x_N \leftarrow c\)
  9. Shrink the simplex
    • For each dimension \((i \in {1, ..., N})\)
    • \(x_i \leftarrow x_i + \sigma(x_o - x_i)\)
  10. Go to step 2



The reflection parameter of the simplex algorithm.

  • type: float
  • default: 1
  • typical range: 0.5 ... 2


The expansion parameter of the simplex algorithm.

  • type: float
  • default: 2
  • typical range: 0.5 ... 5


The contraction parameter of the simplex algorithm.

  • type: float
  • default: 0.5
  • typical range: 0.25 ... 3


The shrinking parameter of the simplex algorithm.

  • type: float
  • default: 0.5
  • typical range: 0.25 ... 3